Global Sales Meeting 2024

Premiere of the maierGROUP Global Sales Meeting

From April 9 to 11, 2024, the first maierGROUP Global Sales Meeting took place against the picturesque backdrop of Lake Garda. China, America, Mexico, Italy and Germany – all colleagues from Sales met to grow together and open up new horizons.

The focus was on practical training sessions on our latest DS series rotary union and maierCONNECT. These not only imparted technical know-how, but also practical sales strategies. Market and competitor analyses helped us to better understand the current business situation and identify future opportunities.

The group work was particularly exciting, bringing together colleagues from different continents and showing just how diverse the world of sales is.

The meeting not only provided space to celebrate the joint successes of the past year, but also to discuss future strategies and goals. In addition to the technical topics, the focus was also on team building with activities and workshops to strengthen cooperation. In the evening, the participants met for dinner together to exchange ideas and network in a relaxed atmosphere.

This was just the beginning. Further Global Sales Meetings will follow, as they offer an excellent platform for exchanging knowledge, professional development and strengthening teamwork.

At the maierGROUP, personal contact is very important, because only through close cooperation can we achieve our goals and realize our vision.


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